Archive for the ‘Save Our Planet’ Category


Learning by playing is a good method for children to increase their cognitive and social skills. Early environmental education is an important need to gain character development and environmental impact optimalization to the children, especially in golden ages. Golden age is the most valuable period in childhood time to gain any kind of information and knowledge from their environments. In this period, the children can increase their cognitive, psycomotoric, emotional, and social skills. Poor environmental education can lead to a future generation with lack of environmental awareness. Therefore, early environmental education is very important on shaping future generation, in order to reach sustainable environment. A board game is one of the good option as a tool to teach the children about a specific issue, for example environmental issues.

ECOFUNOPOLY is a green board game which aims to provide an educational tool on sharing knowledge about environmental issues and also changing community behavior toward environment.This game was founded by Annisa Hasanah, a student from Bogor Agricultural University when she was in 2nd year of bachelor study (2009), and co-founded by Namira Andiani as the visual designer.

In 2012, ECOFUNOPOLY has been officially received a certificate of National Copyright ( Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI).


1 set Ecofunopoly

Ecofunopoly consists of one board 40 x 40 cm (for the small size) or 4 x 4 m (for the giant size), green and hot cards, action cards, pawns made from recycled papers, wood dice, global warming card, and carbon trees (made from recycled papers).  The theme of Ecofunopoly is about carbon footprint. Carbon is used as a credit to calcute behavior of the player in the game. The aim of Ecofunopoly is to evaluate behaviour and awareness of the player towards environmental issues, for example energy, green consumption, water and sanitation, planting, etc. Ecofunopoly has been played by combinating practical activities to get more impacts (not only just playing). This board game has been widely spread in all over part of Indonesia as a teaching tool.

ECOFUNOPOLY is a green board game which aims to provide an educational tool on sharing knowledge about environmental issues and also changing community behavior toward environment.

  • For what ages Ecofunopoly can be played? 

For carbon footprint version, start from 9 years old above.

But we are now working on the game version for 4-6 years old. This game is suitable for anyone, from children, teenagers, and adult. It is recommended game for a family to increase social interaction among family members and can be used as eco-reminder. In school, this game can be used as a learning tool for environmental educatoion subject. 

  • Who have been used Ecofunopoly? 
  • Ecofunopoly games can played in every situation or events, during free time or any special occasion. Ecofunopoly has been used widely by Indonesians, from every group: students, university students, social or environmental activities, NGO workers, parents, entrepreneur, event organizers, and game collector.
  • This game has been used in many schools, social foundaton, and families from many cities and rural villages in Indonesia, such as Bogor, Medan, Lampung, Palembang, Makasar, Bali, Bulukumba, Yogyakarta, Pontianak, Jakarta, Tangerang, Denpasar, and many more.
  • 306892_3680417329253_461981897_n

    Rural children in Bulukumba played ECOFUNOPOLY

Furthermore, ECOFUNOPOLY was also used by some young teacher in INDONESIA MENGAJAR program, a program that initiated by Ministry of Education, Dr. Anies Baswedan. For the past few years, ECOFUNOPOLY has been used by university students for community service program in small villages around Indonesia.

  • What kind of achievements that has been granted for Ecofunopoly?

ECOFUNOPOLY has been received so many positive responses from many stakeholders, both national and international. ECOFUNPOLY has been achieved several awards, such as :  Danamon Young Leaders Awards 2009, ASHOKA Young Changemakers 2009,  BAYER Young Environmental Envoy 2010 in Germany, The Best 3 Candidate Yahoo! Indonesia17 for Green categoryi Hijau, Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP) 2013 di Tokyo, Japan, Grantee of  Bussiness Plan Scholarship from Bank Mandiri 2011, Grantee of Young Entrepreneur Program from Ministy of Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises, Republic of Indonesia, and Kreativitaet im Studium Award from University of Goettingen, Germany.

ECOFUNOPOLY has been presented in many international forum, such as Future Leader Summit 2011 in Semarang Central Java, UNEP TUNZA International Conference 2011 in Bandung, Indonesia, Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP) Open Forum in Oubirin University, Tokyo, Jepang, World Youth Congress di Istanbul, Turki, Make A Difference (MaD) Asia Forum Hong Kong, and many more.


Ecofunopoly participated in Young Environmental Leader Program 2013


Awarding Bayer Young Environmental Envoy 2010


Free Market, Make A Difference (MaD) Asia Forum, Hong Kong 2016


Make A Difference (MaD) Asia Forum, Hong Kong


Like Our Facebook Page here.

Follow our Instagram @ecofunopoly!


Raising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever.”Leonardo DiCaprio


Harvest Moon for my Vegetables!


Last October, I intent to plant something so I can eat from what I’ve plant, I saw on TV that eating the food that you plant by yourself is something priceless, and it will give you a countless self satisfaction, so then I decided to grow some easy-to-grow plants which are vegetables!
My friend who studied about agronomy recommended me that if I want to start growing plants, just start with vegetables. Why? Because it’s easy to be planted and less requirement, vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, kale land, caisin are easy to grow. And it can e planted in the pot or secondhand pocket or whereelse.
I bought the seeds from traditional market in Sukasari, it cost Rp 20,000 per one package. One package of seeds consist of countless seeds! I think it’s more than a thousan seeds!
Then I prepared the pot as the planter, I collected all secondhand stuffs that are potentially used as planter, and also I prepared the special soil which already mixed with fertilizer (it cost Rp 10,000 for a big sack)

The planting is started!
I realized that planting vegetables is quite easy one!
I just put the soil in the planter and then I put the seeds in the small hole (make several small holes in the planter) for one hole, you can put 2-3 seeds. After that, give some water to the seeds. And finished.

Watering the vegetables once per day, then you just wait it to grow!
The most satisfaction things while you’re growing plants is when you saw that your vegetables are growing and growing.. When I saw my lettuce is growing for about 5 cm, I saw the wavy leaves.. The moment I saw that is made me speechless.

I think that’s why a lot people do gardening or farming as a hobby 🙂
After 2 months, the Vegetables got big!
It turned out to be the vegetables that mostly I saw in the market, and I’m so proud that I can grow my own vegetables (even it’s easy to grow it! Haha)
I feel like I become a player in Harvest Moon game (i played this game when i was in high school), planting, growing, and selling (but I wont sell it, haha).
Well I just keep wait for 1 week or more from now, after that I can harvest it then eat it with chicken or beef with korean bbq eating style!

Interested in growing vegetables? Start now, and you can feel the satisfaction! 🙂


The Ideology of Environmental Concern

The Ideal : The Ideology of Environmental Concern

Kesadaran terhadap lingkungan dimulai dengan gerakan hijau (green movement) dari publikasi Silent Spring yang dibuat oleh Rachel Carson. Rachel Carson adalah seorang ahli biologi dari Fish and Wildlife Service. Buku Silent Spring ini mengisahkan tentang eksploitasi lahan dengan penggunaan pestisida secara besar-besaran. Sejak tahun 1962, terjadi kerusakan bumi secara besar-besaran hingga pada tahun 1990 masyarakat dunia secara kuat mendukung untuk gerakan hijau. Kesadaran lingkungan memiliki sejarah yang cukup panjang. Perdebatan soal masalah lingkungan telah dimulai sejak Jaman Roma kuno, Yunani kuno, dan Cina kuno. Di Roma, ideologi kesadaran lingkungan diawali oleh Horace.Puisi yang dibuat Horace menunjukkan rasa cintanya terhadap desa di bukit Sabine diatas Roma. Setiap bait puisinya memiliki arti tersendiri bagi lingkungan. Horace menyayikan keindahan dari country side, sungai, pepohonan bahkan bebatuan. Horace sangat mengagumi kehidupan sederhana, dekat dengan alam. Melalui kisah Horace ini, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa timbulnya ideologi terhadap (lebih…)

Oh, Carita yang (Masih) Tercemar

Beberapa hari lalu, gue ikut family gathering LSM-nya bokap gue ke Pantai Carita. Sebenarnya gue sudah pernah ke pantai ini 2-3 kali, dan tidak ada yang menarik  sih waktu dulu gue kesana. Tapi karena bokap gue bilang ada banana boatnya, gue pun tergiur dan langsung menyatakan diri buat ikut! hehe. Gue belum pernah banana boat soalnya, ;p

Jumat- Sabtu silam, tanggal 4-5 Mei, rombongan LSM bokap gue menghabiskan waktu liburannya di salah satu cottage bernama Carita Mutiara Cottage. Setelah ada annoucement dari panitia, ternyata water sport akan diadakan hari kedua yaitu Sabtu. Terakhir kali yang gue ingat tentang Pantai Carita adalah ketidaknyamanan turis dalam menikmati pantai dan airnya sudah keruh hitam.

Foto  ini gue sadur dari internet (entah gue sendiri ga tau foto ini Pantai Carita bagian mana ya? kok jernih bgt ya, ;p )

Soal ketidaknyamanan, ternyata tidak berubah, kamar tempat gue tidur terletak pas di depan pantai, pantainya sendiri tidak dibatasi oleh pagar ekologis alias tanaman atau pohon yang bisa meredam ombak, tapi pagarnya pake dinding semen yang engga pro-lingkungan banget. Di pagar-pagar itu, sudah banyak ibu-ibu dan mas-mas yang stand untuk menawarkan jasa dan produk yang dijualnya. Mulai dari baju, makanan, wisata air, sampai tato temporer.

namun sayang, karena engga ada aturan buat para pedagang kaki lima ini, mereka terus manggil wisatawan buat beli atau ambil jasa yang dia tawarkan, setiap kali gue lewat, (lebih…)

Tips Ikutan Bayer Young Environmental Envoy (BYEE)

Apakah kamu seseorang yang aktif di kegiatan lingkungan hidup?

Apakah kamu seseorang yang merasa kesal melihat semakin rusaknya bumi ini?

Apakah kamu punya ide yang kreatif dan inovatif untuk mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan sekitar?

Apakah kamu punya penelitian terkait isu lingkungan hidup?


Apakah kamu mempunyai komunitas kreatif yang bergerak untuk lingkungan?

Jika salah satu dari pertanyaan diatas dapat dijawab IYA.

I suggest you should apply for Bayer Young Environmental Envoy (BYEE) programme! 🙂

Sebenarnya saya sudah pernah bercerita ttg seperti apa sih BYEE itu dan gimana cara ikutannya ( baca disini).

Sekarang, saya pengen banyak share lebih jauh tentang (lebih…)

Join IPB Green Living Movement 2012!

Halo teman-teman IPB !

Salam Hijau!

Punya ketertarikan di bidang lingkungan hidup?

Merasa kesal dan ingin membuat perubahan dalam pengurangan kantong plastik?

Tahun 2011 lalu, IPB terpilih sebagai Juara I Tingkat Nasional KOMPAS Kampus and Youth Creativity yang diselenggarakan oleh Kompas dan Tupperware

IPB mengusung Konsep Green Living Movement (see our 2011 project here and our achievement here).

Tahun 2011, IPB telah melibatkan banyak organisasi lingkungan hidup dan mahasiswa yang berani menjadi volunteer, seperti BEM, HIMPRO, UKM, KS Beriman, Pejuang Lingkungan , dan masih banyak lagi!

Keberhasilan ini didapat karena kerja keras tim IPB! Seru kan?

Yuk, mari kita raih yang terbaik lagi di tahun ini bersama-sama! ^^

Tahun ini akan diadakan event yang sama dengan titel IPB Green Living Movement Chapter 2.

Kegiatan ini terbuka untuk siapa saja, dari jurusan mana saja, level apa saja (d3, s1, s2), dan dari angkatan yang masih berstatus mahasiswa (45, 46,47,dan 48).

Punya niat menjadi volunteer?

cari pengalaman dibidang lingkungan?

Ingin mencari relasi yang luas..?

ingin mewujudkan IDE lingkungan…?

Disini tempatnya…

Kita butuh kontribusi teman-teman untuk start awal dan brainstorming konsep acara.
yang mau ikut silahkan,,terbuka untuk MAHASISWA IPB..
kumpul perdana di Lobby Rektorat,Jumat 10 Februari 2012 pukul 19.00
bersama Pak Bambang, Kasubdit Minat dan Bakat IPB
Agenda : membahas pengumpulan ide-ide lingkungan

CP: Pardi (MSP 45)

More information about the competition, click here.

All for Green, Green for All!

We need your contribution from all of you!


Annisa Hasanah, SP

Former Leader of IPB Green Living Movement 2011


Indonesian-Korean Green Campus Sharing

hari ini gue punya cerita seru.

kayak apa sih serunya? #eaa

hari ini gue hadir ke acara workshop yang diselenggarakan oleh kerjasama IPB dengan Daejayon Association.

gue sedikit ‘dijebak’ oleh seseorang hingga gue bisa masuk situ. ;p

sampai di ruang workshop, gue bingung mau masuk ato engga.,

Dan lagi-lagi, gue selalu disangka masih kecil, disangka peserta engga terdaftar. hahaha.

duh emang nasib ya muka muda. mau jadi pembicara aja, ga ada yang percaya. ckckck.

Well, alhamdulilah setelah diskusi panjang, gue bisa masuk ruangan workshop dan duduk di belakang.

baru aja duduk, gue udah disangka media. trus adalagi yang ngira gue siapa. mau bilang gue pembicara, tapi takutnya ga ada percaya.. well, dunia ini memang kejam. gue tiba-tiba keinget ama kuliah stratifikasi sosial.

gue membawa kode sosial yang salah. sehingga banyak org menilai berbeda dengan yang gue pikirkan.

well, sambil duduk, gue mendengarkan presentasi dari Teh Nina dan Ka Cahyo, yang dimoderatori oleh Tina, my powerpuff mate. ^^ beres sesi mereka adalah sesi gue. Gue pengen tau siapa rekan satu sesi gue, setelah tanya ternyata anak Korea yang akan bareng gue.

beres sesi presentasi tadi, dilanjut hiburan, (lebih…)